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December 6, 2022 | Costello

Top Comments – Pages 1661 – 1662

Tuesday, YOU are the star! We curate our favourites from the previous week’s comments on and Facebook and remind you how clever you are. Here are your top comments for Looking For Group pages 1661 – 1662.

Looking For Group page 1661

Marshmallows! Where are the Marshmallows!
Imperial Emperor

Well, it looks like it’s time for Richard’s occasional moidering of innocents in order to regain her powers…

I smell a filler arc. Weekend at Burnys. Or that’s just the odor of broiled warlock.

Wow. Richard is on fire today…
God of Puns

*sings* This warlock’s on fire! This warlock’s on fire. She’s running on fire! This warlock’s on fire.
Maighdean Dubh

Richard went Super Nova. It was too effective.
Katherine Delain


Jason Scott Mermoud

Now that’s a bad case of heart burn right there. Quick! Get that AT-AT some Tums!!
Siabhra Dubh

Looking For Group page 1662

Oh c’mon now. Richard is just doing his Elvis impersonation and spreading his “Burning Love”.
Michael Clayton

Damn it, Richard downgraded the Protect-a-Llama 4000 to the Attack-a-Llama 3000!

Summon the FireFly of FireFighting!
Mr. Random

Stranger enters with the Pail of Bailing instead of the Flamingo of Firefighting? Incorrect, sir!

Llama Fllambe anyone?
Maighdean Dubh


*hangs a sign on the llamas that reads ‘keep away from flame, highly fllamable’*
Siabhra Dubh

*sings* See the blazing llama before you, Fa la la la la, la la la llama
Siabhra Dubh

The Olpaca of On-Fire
Jay T Wilkey

I would go for alpaca of arson
Joren Bosmans

Side effects may include enflammation
Logan Conner

I’m gonna start using that. “I pulled a Richard”
David Camp