Well Hello There

It’s been a minute since I addressed you, folks. While LFG, the comic, went on hiatus about a year ago, I am pleased to re-assure you that behind the scenes, work never stopped.
As the legend goes, we have been working towards an animated LFG since 2006. If my math is right, that’s a solid 18 years ago. Pretty sure I had a full head of hair back then. Over the years, we had many false starts, a bunch of options and an untold amount of ‘interest’. After a while though, it became clear that it just wasn’t going to happen.
So, I did what anyone else in my position would have done.
I spent the following two decades building up an animation studio here in Montreal, to a team of 100. We used service work, doing work for Apple TV, Disney, Netflix, Amazon (and everyone in between) to perfect our 2D pipeline, and planned.
Planned for the day that rather than wait for someone else to say yes; we could just do it ourselves.
And folks, that day has finally come.
I’m going to announce two things today.
Thing One:
Right now, as I type, we are producing 52 episodes of LFG: The Animated Series. Each episode will be 5-8 minutes in length and be available to all, without restrictions, on YouTube. The series will air weekly, with an exact launch date to be decided shortly, but most likely either Q4 2024, or Q1 2025.
And to answer the most obvious questions:
- Of course Dave Mitchell will be voicing Richard. Anyone else would be blasphemy.
- I will be writing/adapting each episode, along with Lar & Costello.
- It will be violent.
Thing Two:
While you’re waiting for those episodes, we won’t be leaving you. Instead, similar to what we were doing on the Laughing Dragon TikTok channel, we’ll be having fun with social media trends; starring the LFG Crew.
This serves two purposes:
- Begins to re-build our social media presence, through multiple channels, before the launch of the series.
- A great place to onboard new animators, before they go to work on the series.
These shorts won’t have voice audio, but they will be published 3 times a week and begin sooner than you might think.
In the meantime, I would ask you follow us and help spread the word:
I’ll pop in from time to time to chime in, and Costello and the social media team (Hope, Blaire, Elise & Alej) will be constantly around and updating you all.
Before I sign off, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for allowing Richard and Cale into your hearts for almost 20 years, and thank you for sticking around.
It’s a bit later than 2008, but we got there.
-Because I Finally Can.