Event Info » Upcoming Appearances
October 9, 2018 | Moss

36 Hours Left!

Hey Kids! Moss here, and to help put us over the top on that last stretch goal in the LFG 10 Kickstarter, I’ve just added a new reward level:

Yup, Fresh from NYCC, you can now add a 3-pack of Deluxe LFG Lego MiniFigs! Get Richard, Cale & Benny with accessories, stands and in cool blister-packs for (approx) $50 USD! That’s $10 off the regular price for the next 36 hours as part of the campaign! 

If you’ve already backed, no worries! Just add this reward level’s amount to your pledge and when we send out the survey you can let us know you want that sweet Lego action!

So let’s do this, friends! Mainly so Sohmer will stop humming that song…