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May 13, 2016 | Costello

1K Cometh Sooneth

Before I started working at Blind Ferret, I was a fan of Blind Ferret, LFG specifically. Surprisingly, I still get to experience Looking For Group as a fan in many ways. I rarely see the comic before it goes up online, so I get to read the latest page at the same rate as you guys, my fellow fans. Every now and then I help Sohmer pick a subject for NPC, and that’s the closest to insider knowledge on storylines I get.

That said, we have a major milestone coming up, and I suspect I won’t be safe from spoilers for it. In July, shortly before my birthday, we publish the 1000th page of LFG. I may be getting ahead of myself, but I want to share this milestone with the fans as a fan before it gets spoiled for me.
How do you think we’ll mark the occasion in the comic? Should we do anything special on the site to celebrate? What are some of the best ways you’ve seen other comics commemorate milestones?

I’ll share a few speculations in the first comment below. These are not spoilers, I have no insider knowledge, and I will advise Sohmer Lar not to read the comments for this section to minimize influencing his decisions on this one. I just want to geek out about LFG for a bit.

Onto your geeking out from the comments section. These are the top comments for the second half of April!

LFG 975
Galileo Figaro
Goddammit, Cale.

Oliver Glassmann
I’m in love with the way you draw “an awkward silence”.

The first stage is denial. At least Cale has passed that now.

NPC 21-4
Village full of orphans…. We all know how this is going to end…. I’ll get the marshmallows

Justin Eiler
Problems with incindiary dysfunction? * Ask your doctor if Fwooshalis is right for you.
See your doctor immediately for any conflagration lasting longer than four hours….

Kai Kohaku
“It burns when I pee!”

Pfff? That proves it- it’s all in your head.

TDA 114
Ivory Bill
Personally I’m an advocate of Body Shagging.

Body swapping is how you live forever.

Are you my doctor, a close family member, or a close personal friend?
If not, you don’t “have to be brutally honest.”

LFG 976
Did…..Did richard just shove ass-face in the blowhole of a whalephant before shoving fire in it’s trunk like some sort of evil fwoosh-induced reverse-enema of doom until it exploded???
I cannot tell you how happy I am that this comic exists and allowed me to write the best question I have ever asked.

When Chachas become Nanas.

I was kinda hoping Cale would have said “Richard, lizard people are here for your baby” then Richard could have replied, “Well if you want to go Cale I’m not stopping you.”

NPC 21-5
Wait, if everyone in the village in an orphan, does that mean they aren’t allowed to have children? Better tell the couple in the bottom left, before they break any rules.

Apparently, redheads are drawn to things that also don’t have souls.

I love how this kid keeps asking questions of someone who obviously can’t answer back. (or hear him?) Why? Who? The lack of answers only compel him to ask more. I’m nominating him for this year’s most annoying comic creature-kid category. The lady in the white dress would obviously vote for him.

LFG 977
Sorry Cale, but that’s…
( •_•)>⌐■-■
…Nacha call.

Look at his eyes. Those are the eyes of a parent who has had to get up in the middle of the night every night to tend to a crying baby.

The Shadow
Hey, diddle, diddle, the ass and the fiddle, the dick somersaulted over the moon, the whalephant exploded with a fwoosh up the nose, and scooter swallowed a swaoose.

NPC 21-6
Obi Kemnebi
Ahhhhh, so that’s how it can be a village entirely of orphans! Any adult orphans who become parents are regularly culled from the group. Makes sense.

And those would be the social workers, put out of job when the orphanage burnt down.

That man seems to have been struck by a rare case of Picassoitis.

Speedy Marsh
Cubists’ attacks should be easy to block.

TDA 115
Leprosy! All my parts are hanging off of meee I’m now half the man I use to be… oh how I hate my leprosy..

a boat is a boat but the blind subscription box can be anything even a boat

I will not fall for this stupid shit again,
I will not fall for this stupid shit again,
I will not fall for this stupid shit again…
God damnit, I have to get this Dick themed useless box.
Because it’s Dick themed, that’s why.

LFG 978
Rich The Bluegeek
Burning fat? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Warlock Weight Loss plan!

“Flammable! Or… inflammable! Forget which, doesn’t matter!”
–Mordin Solus

Ricardo Mercio
I’ve never seen a comic with a made up animal’s skeleton drawn that might actually be remotely viable in real life. Congratulations, LFG.

NPC 21-7
The little redhead doesn’t care everyone gets killed as long as he can collect their soles.

I see pure evil when the kid talks about the shoes. Deep, dark, and soulless; epitomizing the depravity of the human spirit. Where does LFG get these actors? Bravo I say, Bravo!

Darth Cariss
He’s gonna kill the Bandits so that the kid can’t get shoes.

Until next time, be excellent to each other