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June 9, 2015 | Sohmer

Was that you?

This past Sunday, while in Columbus, Ohio for Origins; Lar and I were outside the convention center awaiting a car to take us to the airport.

While we were waiting, a reader approached to thank Lar for signing his copy of LFG. When he came by the booth, I wasn’t there to sign it as well, so I told him if he hurried to his car to get the book, I’d be happy to sign it right there and then.

Unfortunately, while he was off getting his book, the angry uber driver showed up, parked illegally, and yelled at Lar and I to get in the car.

Which meant that I did not get to sign that kind fellows book.

I’d like to rectify the situation, so if that was you or you know the dude, please send me off an e-mail as soon as you can.

-Because I Can.