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November 7, 2016 | Costello

Unfiltered Comments

Between LFG and NPC, there are a lot of mysteries not yet resolved:

  • Richard’s origin;
  • Tim’s intelligence;
  • Benny’s parentage;
  • How Cale’s hair retains its luxurious volume.

What’s interesting is when something that was never meant to be a mystery becomes one. When an idea filters from author to artist to audience, and becomes something that not all the three agree on.

It’s rare that Sohmer and Lar aren’t on the same page, what with their years of working together, their similar creative senses, and the trust they have in one another. It has happened, like the first time we see a giant. Sohmer was expecting the giant to be about 10 feet tall. He was shocked when Lar turned over the pencils and the giant was 200 feet tall! Instead of having Lar redraw the page to match his expectations, he changed what he considered giant cannon and Lar’s version of giants have been the norm ever since.

Other times, Sohmer and Lar put something out there and it’s the audience that can’t agree what the creators were going for. The point of contention that’s been brought up most often in the comments lately is who killed the Archmage. Was it Cale, who used Richard’s catchphrase because he was pushed past his limits over what happened to his best frienemy? Was it Richard, having taken possession of Cale after his body was pushed past the its limits?

What’s great about watching this as an insider looking out is seeing how the arguments are made. Cale’s eyes were yellow, therefore it was Richard. Cale’s speech bubble was white, therefore it was Cale. Or my favourite, Richard said he wasn’t sharing the credit for the Archmage’s death, therefore it was Richard or Cale, depending on who you ask.

Unfortunately, for the readers who were looking for a definitive answer, I’m not telling. It’s not my secret to reveal (unintentional though this secret was), and honestly, fan speculation like this is inspiring. It shows the creators how to frame a mystery to get a response, and how committed our fanbase is their version of the events no matter how new pages come out to the contrary. And honestly, enough pages have come out recently that the definitive answer should be clear.

And now, the top comments for October 17th to the 28th, 2016!

LFG 1027
I imagine that most people who suddenly find themselves full of top-class magical power in a world where they were previously low on the totem pole or being actively oppressed or treated like crap are, rather than deciding to become superheroes, going to wreck the living shit out of everything that stands in their way of achieving what they want out of life now that they have the power to take it.


The second most philosophical person in the series is a giant reptile with a hand for a head, who can somehow talk, while the first is a panther that can’t speak, and has constantly been telling that he is a she.. What the Heck??

NPC 24-06
Kyle, your telepathy isn’t supposed to have speech bubbles. Just saying.

At first I thought that was a cake on panel 1 then I realized it’s meat. The ribs drama queen goblin was hacking apart earlier.
That’s a beautiful meat cake.

Chance K
I don’t know what’s more shocking. The fact that Kyle talks, the fact that Kyle wants his husband to find out the truth even at the cost of their relationship, or the fact that a colony of what I can only assume are goblins have fully accepted same-sex marriage as a normal aspect of life while millions around the world still struggle with the concept of attraction between two people of the same gender. Also I wish I was half as built as these goblins.

TDA 140
Nick Lancial
huh….I find that a reasonably valid reason for a holiday….until hallmark finds out

your containment of your unbridled fury and righteous destructive potential is always appreciated

ok, thanksdicking has a WHOLE different meaning in my relationship.

LFG 1028
Speedy Marsh
I like almost always being wrong. The few times I’m right are so exciting! 😉

Alex Smith
Dnah’s always right.

Infamous Nefarious
He’s really dragon it out…..

NPC 24-07
Is it weird that I’m expecting at least a kiss between the two married goblins during this NPC?

Minh Duong
Ok. This goblin is really good at reading what other people are thinking even they don’t say anything.
Where was he during my dating years?

I rather love how even with a blank plane of suck page upload error this community rallies to make puns, jokes, and comment away to the tune of 29, 30, comments & counting.
You know BF peeps, you could upload just about anything & we’d jabber away & find puns to make.

LFG 1029
Ivory Bill
So don’t kill her then, kill everyone else so she can’t influence and harm them anymore! Problem solved!


I kinda feel sorry for Leena. After all the shit she had to go through to finally get some peace in her life, only to be turned evil just because of her lineage.


cale: So basically you tracked me back so I can be a jailer for life?
Dragon Dude: You have better experience keeping an eye on magic maniac than me.
Besides they can just banish her to the plane of suck or something like that

NPC 24-08
Sensei Le Roof
He sought the Innocent, hoping to regain some innocence.
What he found, in a sense, made him become incensed.

That place has Accessibility issues.

Bob Peloso
Does anyone have the recipe for Sacrificed Elf?

TDA 141
Ivory Bill
Back to the Führer?

Speedy Marsh
Zombie Karl Marx started communism, and he was planning WWIII, before WWII was even over. The reason that no one has heard about that, is that Tiny Dick went back in time and shot Zombie Karl, before he could turn Hitler.
The only remnant of the timeline that Tiny Dick erased, is in videogames, where you have to kill wave after wave of zombie Nazis.

Sadly, Hitler would only be assured that it was meant to be that he survived and be even more delusional.

LFG 1030
I demand a DNA’h test!

Minh Duong
In today’s episode, we learned that D’nah was stood up and Leena was knocked up. But who was the hook up?

Today on ‘Looking For Maury Povich’, Cale’Anon, YOU are the father! 😛

NPC 24-09
Minh Duong
The overdue library charges are going to be huge for whomever took “The Innocent”.

It’s pretty easy to tell the difference. Replace ‘who/whoever’ with ‘he’ and ‘whom/whomever’ with ‘him’. Does it sound right? Then you did it right. You wouldn’t say “him took ‘The Innocent'”, so it’s wrong.

Nick Lancial
LOL well at least Richard was nice enough to leave all those notes….most of the time he either forgets or fwooshe’s first and ….well rarely asks questions later

Until next time, be excellent to each other!