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April 21, 2015 | Costello

Top Comments from April 10th to April 16th

Like Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon without that scruffy-looking nerf herder, I’m flying solo this week. Or I guess like Han Solo any time he pilots the Millennium Falcon. Shoot, that’s way better. Why did I go with the Chewbacca one?

Will, my usual top comments cohort, went out west for the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo with Sohmer, Lar, and Moss. I was left to unilaterally decide which commenters made the top, and which get killed and drained of their blood for use as ink in future hardcover collections of LFG. Fun fact, the bloosh storyline was inspired by Lar wanting to limit the amount of red ink we use. Remember that when next he raises money for MS research.

I hope you enjoy your top comments from April 10th to April 16th as much as I did.

Top Comments from April 10th to April 16th

NPC part 13, page 13
If you hang back and wait, the homeowners association will send him a stern letter for failure to mow the lawn. That will throw him off balance long enough to win.

fwoomp, when fwoosh is not an option

LFG 869
Robert C.
I must now cosplay Richard/Seven at the next con I go to.

Matthew Kahne
You know, I’ve got to hand it to the giants. They’re being incredibly patient and polite while Richard tries out his catch phrases.

NPC part 13, page 14
That’s your grandfather talking- Druids: Now able to channel the dead.

I am sure that Ray’d’s cutting of the giants hammer was an axcident 🙂

Worst. Hulkout. Ever.

TDA 61
Minh Duong
I don’t believe Lil Dick when he says “I SUPER don’t care about the economy.” Can you imagine the economic benefits the country would reap with the removal of these politicians? If congress and senate members knew that what would happen if they crossed Lil Dick’s path….something might actually get accomplished!

Jakk Frost
Some men just wanna watch the political candidates burn
~ Alfred Pennysworth.
wait, I may have misquoted that…

LFG 870
Minh Duong
See there…. those…Elesharks??… They are proof positive of evolution! They are the “transitional form” between a Whale and their land dwelling ancestors!

Exactly how far is it as the crab flies?

Lobster + Flies = Flobster/Loblies
Gorilla + Lion = Gorillion/Liolla
Snake + Bat = Snat/Bake
Walrus + Giraffe = Walraffe/Girarus
then its either
Elephant + Shark = Elephark/Shaphant
Rhino + Shark = Shino/Rhark

I can’t see his face in that last’ish panel but, I know what he’s thinking… “I need a bigger purse”


Oh, hey, speaking of Star Wars, if Daisy Ridley turns out to be Luke’s apprentice and the daughter of Han and Leia, she may be the greatest Star Wars character since BB-8. Jedi princess? I’m in!

Until next time, be excellent to each other.