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November 14, 2016 | Costello


From the current political climate to the comments section of this very comic, it’s clear not everyone agrees all the time. I think there’s one thing we all must accept as objective truth: Lar is wonderful.

If you know him in person, you know what I’m talking about. No one brightens a room with their warmth and presence like Unca Lar. The man might literally have a sweet heart. It’s the only way to explain how he can be as approachable as a human hug. And what a hug!

Now let’s say you mostly know him for Sailor Bacon and his work raising funds for Multiple Sclerosis research. That’s two great tastes –creative use of his beard and his body in the name of eye-catching cosplay, and altruism- that taste great together. If you only know him as Sailor Bacon, you basically know him as the only real world Sailor Scout, fighting disease with kindness.

Finally, let’s say you only know him for his art. Lar’s a fabulous artist. He doesn’t just make a pretty page, he creates designs that endure, and capture the imagination. I mean, look at Richard. LOOK AT HIM! That’s an amazing design. Now look at Richard disguised as a nun. Still amazing! Just like Lar.

All that to say, wonderful guy and talented artist that Lar is, he’s done something special for LFG blog readers: an exclusive sketch of the LFG cast as Mr. Potato Heads.

potato-head-wip02As regular readers of the top comments know, I am a big fan of puns. When Hasbro started releasing Mr. Potato Heads based on licensed characters, my favourite part was the clever names. Tony Starch. Optimash Prime. The sadly cancelled Snake Fries. And yet, I’m at a loss for clever names for Lar’s LFG Potato Heads. I have to turn to you, dear readers. Comment below with suggestions for what to call these mash-ups.

Speaking of comments, here is all the proof anyone needs that LFG fans are pun wizards: the top comments for October 31st to November 11th!

LFG 1031
So long, and thanks for all the fish. *expires*

Comic #1031… posted on 10-31? hmmm… I think there was an opportunity that was missed.

Master of Thumbs
It’s more like the Dolphin of Dying.

NPC 24-10
Shadow Hedgehog
Is this Kyle’s snarky face, or is it how his face normally looks like? I haven’t seen him having any other facial expression. Even when he was angry, his face still looked the same. I assumed it was deformed by emotion. Probably not.


It was better than the movie.

I think the only thing left for these guys to do is to *puts on sunglasses* turn the page.

TDA 142
Nick Lancial
oh my god….DICK’S KILLING US WITH LOGIC!!!!!!!

Ivory Bill
I heard he fwooshed a good fwoosh, I heard he had a style.
And so I came to see him and burn for a while.
And there he was this Little Dick, a stranger to my eyes.
Strumming my pain with his spells,
(one time, one time)
Burning my life with his fwoosh,
(two time, two time)
Killing me softly with his spells,
Killing me softly with his spells,
Burning my whole life with his fwoosh,
Killing me softly with his spells
I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd,
I felt as he found my entrails and counted each one out loud.
I prayed that he would finish but he just kept right on.
Strumming my pain with his spells,
(one time, one time)
Burning my life with his fwoosh,
(two time, two time)
Killing me softly with his spells,
Killing me softly with his spells,
Incinerating my whole life with his fwoosh,
Killing me softly with his spells”

Joshua Wiitala
Ha jokes on you I don’t drive.
*Crosses street while reading comic on mobile device*

LFG 1032
I would love to see a panel where Dnah borrows the binoculars to spy, standing next to a grumpy gnome who mutters “He always gets finger print smudges on the lenses…”

Knight of the way: State your business.
Richard: I’m Richard… (run toward the bush) Cale! Cale! That thing in rehearsal happened again!

careful richard, you might fly away with that headwear

NPC 25-01
Sensei Le Roof
Sage advice?

Most gruesome NPC short to date. Calling it now.

Ivory Bill
I planted myself in my chair and leafed over to this page and now I’m hedging bets on how the story will grow. Arguably I’m going out on a limb here, but generally my guesses are well rooted- or is that pride? I’m going to stick to it anyway. This hedge is ground into pulp and used to make the Innocent.

Speedy Marsh
We should all chip in and buy hedges for Blind Ferret Enterprises. If we all invest a little, then no one would be out a large amount, if they died. Do y’all think Sohmer would be willing to manage the hedge fund?

LFG 1033
Felipe Lopes
Richard is speaking Maori, i hope he does the Haka before killing someone. That´s awesome btw!

Lazy Old Dragon
Does anyone know the accuracy of the translation? If this is really Maori it’s already loaded with awesome points, but if that’s really what Dick said (or if he said something equally “him” — can we call Richard being Richard “Dickish”?) then that’d break the awesome meter.

Galileo Figaro
That disguise would fall short very fast if either of them bothered to look at the speech bubble over the sister’s head instead of being so mesmerised by her frantic hip movements.

NPC 25-02
Samurai Shrubbery. Bushido.

Ivory Bill
I know I mean this is like the 1000th bush-doppleganger-origin story I’ve come across, they’re so cliche now.

squirrelyone (in response to alexandre)
All right, I know you’re always good about calling these things, but the fact that you called *this* one from the first page has me truly impressed.

TDA 143
Europe early 2016: Mass migration from the east, because of terrorism.
Europe 2016/17: Mass migration from the west, because of one guy.
I feel a bit cramped in Berlin, Germany..

Give us time. He hasn’t got the nuclear codes yet.

just as not all, or I truly believe even most, of Trump’s supporters are racist/misogynist/bigot/etc., so too I would like everyone to acknowledge that not all of Mrs.Clinton’s Supporters are bigoted towards those with a different opinion. Us versus Them rhetoric will tear us further apart than this election ever could. Whoever any of us voted for, it is important for us to come together now as a nation rather than continue to paint each other as monsters and villains.

LFG 1034
Mr. Random
Two pages. That lasted a lot longer than I thought it would.

I think Richard just found the puppet cast for the world-wide tour of “Slaughter your World: The Musical”

Keith Hearn
Hmmm, someone who recognizes Richard, but doesn’t know him well enough to know not to tell him he shouldn’t be there. I mean, one could end up with one’s head on a stake for telling Richard he’s wrong. Or one’s head on fire. Or on a fire, on a stake.

NPC 25-03
Speedy Marsh
“So, how was your date with Storm?”
“Electrifying! … But, she left me with this burning sensation, down below.”


With the Krunchbush bouncing here and there and everywhere I think we know Grammi Gummi’s preferred juicing berry.



The best part of these comics are the punnery that follows 🙂


I’m looking forward to the punnery that Lar’s potato art inspires. Until then, be excellent to each other everybody!