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December 5, 2016 | Costello

Ivory, Cookies, and Comments

On occasion, a comment or commentor goes above and beyond, deserving higher praise than mere inclusion in the ranks of the Top Comments.

On Thursday, Ivory Bill became the latest commentor to get the Internet equivalent of a standing ovation from the Blind Ferret staff when he posted the following:

Ivory Bill
This is nothing new. This comic has always been full of satyr.

Will immediately made it a featured comment, the first featured comment from a non-staff member in recent memory, possibly ever. He followed it up with this:

Ivory Bill
What can I say, I have a lot of faun with this.

That second comment may not have had the 60+ upvotes of the first, but it’s still so, so good. I was going to make a joke that you need to give the rest of us a chance to be funny, but:

  1. That’s tall poppy syndrome (not “sunflowering” as I thought but found out had a very different definition);
  2. It’s just not true. There’s plenty of funny for the rest of us, since, for the second week in a row, I’ve couldnt’ narrow comments down to the usual 3 comments per page.

Ivory Bill, you and many of your top comment regulars are the high tide floating our comment boats. If this trend continues, I may have to bump it up to 4-5 top comments on each page.

On an unrelated note, Lar! Remember Lar? He’s back! In cookie form. You can be too!

Lar is raising money again in his neverending fight against Multiple Sclerosis. His latest tactic? Cookies. If you use this link and donate $20 to the MS Society, then forward your donation confirmation to [email protected] by December 7th, Lar will send you a gingerbread cookie avatar in your likeness. Donate $40 and he’ll send you a Christmas cookie avatar. See below for more details.


As they say around my house, after the cookies come the comments. Here are the top comments for November 28th to December 2nd!

LFG 1039
Asher Tye
Benny would be wonderful at CinemaSins.

Galileo Figaro
What he means is “I like sex so if the lady wants the heads of our comrades in a well labeled “Traitors” then my only question is “How deep do you want that well”.”

This isn’t going to turn into a freaky sex comic now is it? Because if it is I’m going to need to update my bookmark.

Prediction: Benny challenges Uncle Rayd for the right to lead the Bloodrage, and her true paternal lineage is revealed: she is daughter by blood to Krunch, not just through adoption. Hemming and hawing over her being an elf/taur mongrel is shut up by “So? Rayd’s humping a she-elf too. What’s your point?”
EDIT: Postscript second prediction: Leena’s daughter mentioned in 1030 is fathered by Ray’d, which would further strengthn her “So?” argoment.

NPC 25-08
Galileo Figaro
If I held the legal and political authority to create a new word that could express the infinite, matchless and immortal hatred I have for you in this very instant, the word would be a verb called “infinabominabhoraloathe” and its definition would be “to abominate, abhor and loathe someone or something in a manner infinite, matchless and immortal” and its past tense “infinabominabhoraloathed”.

You know what you should do, Bush? Invade desert country on the other side of the world under false pretenses.

Kai Lucien Lowell
Now see, this is where Richard is more effective than the Knights of Ni. He doesn’t ask people to bring him a shrubbery; he goes and fetches it himself.

I saw the pile of rocks to Richard’s left as dugtrio and can’t unsee it

TDA 146
Ivory Bill
A Dick is never late.
Nor is he early.
He comes exactly when-

Richard Bigs
Are the balrog and Gandalf fighting in a Death Star? O.o

To Richard
Eye owe you one

LFG 1040
Mark J. Somerson
Rule 34 is now in effect.

Cale is gonna have to kill another child?

Wait… That means the kid is the next in line for the magic.

NPC 26-01
Close that drawbridge! we’re not paying to heat the whole of the shire!

Darkoneko Hellsing
Hrng. You have a river flowing at arm’s lenght, no excuse to not fill the moat in front of your castle.

See how annoying that is?


Until next time, be excellent to each other!