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October 27, 2016 | Will

Chicken Plays Grim and Gives Prizes!

It’s Thursday and I’m itchin’ for some Twitch… in’. This week, Shayna is off doing a dress rehearsal for Rocky Horror Picture Show, which is super cool and if you’re in Montreal this weekend you should check it out. She did just come up with a new persona for me called Willicious, so I forgive her for missing the show this week.

Since this is the Blind Ferret Plays before Halloween, we’ll be hitting Grim Fandango Remastered again! Stone will be on the couch again, and Moss may or may not make an appearance.
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Last time, we got as far as Year Two and we left Manny and Glottis on top of their new restaurant empire. Again, I’ve never played this game, so I’m really excited to see where it goes. As usual, we’ll be giving away sweet prizes to new followers who participate in the chat, as well as a mega prize at the end of the night. Tune in at 5:30 EST and join the chat to win!

I’d also like to mention that on Monday’s, I’ll be Twitching from home on the channel, so I’d like to hear what you’d like to see. I’ve been tossing around the idea of doing complete game playthroughs, maybe start a new MMO, or a Star Wars game series… but I can’t seem to decide what to do so leave a comment below and I’ll check them out.

Also on the Blind Ferret Plays Twitch Channel, we’re now hosting Costello’s Know Direction podcast which airs every second Wednesday, and also Lartist At Work which is every Friday assuming Lar isn’t at a convention or completely swamped.  So keep an eye on our channel because there will be content there up to 4 days/week. 

As a side note: you may have noticed that I’m still a chicken in the sidebar. Safyrejet pointed it out in Costello’s post. There are a couple reasons for that. One being that this is my true and final form. Another being that it’s so adorable that I just love seeing it over and over again. It could also be that I keep forgetting to ask for new avatars until about 5 minutes before making my post, so really, this is on me. I’ll try and get it together for next week.